Wednesday, June 1, 2011
You're a Stud For Life with Semenax
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Using Kegels for Stronger Orgasms
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Practical Tips to Maintain Sexual Virility
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Practical Tips to Maintain Sexual Virility
Practical Tips to Maintain Sexual Virility
Nowadays, the popular maxim "Health is wealth" has taken on a truly genuine meaning as more and more people get to suffer from various forms of diseases that ages ago were practically unheard of. Many of these diseases are life-threatening while some pose serious dangers to one's overall well-being. Either way, this has led a lot of people to become more cautious of what they eat or drink, as many of these can very well affect their overall health.
There can be no doubt that sex plays a significant role in making a relationship work. What many people are not aware of is that sex also has a direct connection to the overall health of a person and vice versa. Research shows that when one is overweight, for example, sex drive can be severely affected, and for overweight people currently in a relationship, this can have serious impact.
Nevertheless, one need not really worry, as there are some tried and tested techniques that one can make use of to keep fit, at least from a sexual standpoint. Since sex is such a vital aspect of any relationship, being sexually healthy then is a definite necessity, not only to keep one's partner happy and satisfied, but to keep one's self contented as well. How to achieve this is not really that hard and will merely involve a change in lifestyle. Not the drastic kind of change, just basic and simple modifications that may sound too simplistic to some people, but can actually prove to be helpful in making sure that one's sex life is active but safe.
An obvious starting point is the physical body. As mentioned before, being overweight has been found to adversely affect the human sex drive. The natural recommendation is to lose weight, with ten pounds as the ideal weight to shed. Losing weight will not only make one looking and feeling good, it can also lead to a stimulation of the sex hormones.
Aspiring for a leaner and healthier body, however, should not mean being deprived of the pleasures of eating. Making a dietary plan may mean cutting down on fatty foods, but it does not mean no eating at all cost. It simply means doing away with cholesterol-rich meals and opting for foods rich in nutrition. Specifically, eating heart-friendly foods like nuts, fruits, vegetables, and grains should be regularly practiced because a healthy heart is imperative in having an enjoyable sex life.
Engaging in regular exercises is likewise a proven technique in improving one's virility as it helps develop endurance and strengthens the heart. A good option is to take up strength-training exercises as these can help build firmer muscles which are needed in various activities, which includes sex. Additionally, a regular dose of exercise makes us feel confident, sexy, and attractive, not only to ourselves but to our respective partners as well.
Keep in mind, though, that aside from regular exercises, getting enough rest, especially at night, is equally important. Not getting the right amount of sleep every night can make one moody and haggard, which is not exactly ideal in setting a romantic atmosphere.
It is also important to be an optimistic person. No matter how hard life is at times, everything is always subject to change, and keeping a positive outlook in life can only bring about positive changes sooner or later.
Being optimistic additionally means accepting who we are, not only emotionally but physically as well, which should include accepting our bodies, regardless of their sizes, and believing that we are all uniquely sensual.
Aside from all of these easy and practical tips, another option that one can take to achieve sexual health is by regularly taking a dose of multivitamins. They may initially appear to be extra costs on the daily budget, but multivitamins actually offer several beneficial effects. They can help improve one's appetite and relieve stress that can come from various fronts, including the workplace. Stress and a poor appetite need to be properly addressed as these usually have adverse effects on sexual urges.
Finally, if one regularly practices all the above-mentioned hints and is considered to be generally healthy, but still ends up experiencing a significant lowering in sexual urges or desires, it is only appropriate that professional help be sought. Sexual difficulties usually have underlying causes, which can have either a psychological or a physiological foundation, and these can best be determined more accurately by a trained professional. He or she may prescribe certain treatments, including the possible use of sex pills like Semenax, depending on the results of his or her examination.
A number of sex-enhancement drugs, however, are known to be readily available at many over-the-counter drug stores even without a prescription, and these include Semenax, the sex potency capsule that is targeted mainly for the male market. It is said to be a very effective male potency drug that can be purchased even without the advice of a physician. This is mainly because its primary ingredients include herbal plant extracts that essentially makes Semenax a truly safe and effective sex pill. Herbal plants, of course, have long been known to carry healing properties aside from having sex enhancement qualities that help improve man's sexual capacity and performance.
Formulated under strict development processes, Semenax should prove to be the ideal answer to any man currently experiencing sexual difficulties and this can be purchased online via the official Semenax website at
Of course, when purchasing the drug, it is usually recommended that one practice a safe and healthy lifestyle in addition to regularly taking Semenax. As it is, no amount of Semenax or any other kind of sex-enhancement pills can work if one is leading an unhealthy and carefree life. The ideal set-up is to take Semenax as a supplement while carefully observing several healthy practices like eating the right kinds of food, cutting down on smoking and on the intake of alcohol, and getting sufficient sleep.
Practical Tips to Maintain Sexual Virility
Semenax and Healthy Diet
Semenax and Healthy Diet
You've heard that you are what you eat. If you're looking to conceive, you might want to be a fruit or vegetable. You're better off being an oyster than a fat, juicy piece of steak. And if emerging studies bear any weight, you should be rich in antioxidants.
The benefits of antioxidants are widely published and well-known. They include protection against Alzheimer's and cognitive decline, cancers and possibly heart disease.
Research is ongoing, but there's a possibility that antioxidants also boost fertility. In recent clinical studies based in New Zealand, researchers found that sub-fertile men taking antioxidant supplements were four times more likely to conceive than sub-fertile men who didn't.
Sub-fertile refers to men with lower sperm count than average, but still capable of conception. Researchers theorize that up to 80% of cases of delayed conception in sub-fertile men is attributable to the effects of oxidative stress on sperm cells, which lowers both count and quality.
Oxidation is a process in which molecules called free radicals damage DNA and cells' ability to function.
Antioxidants are molecules, including certain vitamins and nutrients, that stabilize free radicals and thus protect cells.
In New Zealand, researchers analysed 15 studies of 96 pregnancies among 964 couples. Among these pregnancies, males who took antioxidant supplements boosted their chances of conception by four.
Researchers say it's too early to conclusively say whether or not antioxidants alone can boost fertility. But antioxidant-rich foods, including green leafy vegetables and fruits are linked to higher fertility in men.
In other words, certain foods are proven to increase chances of conception. And if these foods are rich in antioxidants, as most are, there's a good chance you'll be adding a nursery to your house very soon.
Antioxidants occur in a variety of foods, but are particularly high in vegetables, berries (especially dark-pigmented berries like blue and blackberries), grain cereals, legumes, nuts, soy, olive oil, chocolate, cinnamon, spices and herbs, coffee, tea and red wine.
Generally speaking, processed foods contain fewer antioxidants than uncooked, fresh foods. Boiling antioxidant-rich vegetables, like broccoli, often decreases their nutritional value.
Vitamin E and zinc are antioxidants with especially high influence on male fertility. Olives, mangoes and tomatoes are all high in vitamin E, whereas oysters and pumpkin seeds are good sources of zinc.
Having said this, there are sources of antioxidants known to negatively influence male fertility. These include coffee, tea and animal products with hormone content, including meat. These foods, while high in antioxidants, have other ingredients that interfere with the fertility-boosting effects believed attributable to antioxidants. Tea, while generally very healthy, contains caffeine, which can inhibit fertility.
You can complement the potential effects of antioxidants and healthy diet on male fertility with Semenax, a proven, all-natural semen volume enhancer and producer of healthy and plentiful sperm.
Much of Semenax's effectiveness comes from its blend of minerals, herbals and amino acids used since ancient times to boost sex drive and enhance overall sexual health.
Pumpkin seed, for example, is an ingredient in Semenax, rich in zinc and renowned for its ability to stimulate the male sex drive. Studies also suggest that, in addition to producing healthy sperm, pumpkin seed may also protect against prostate cancer.
Semenax boosts sperm and aids male fertility with healthy sperm and larger semen loads. Both of which increase the odds your sperm will find a happy home.
While the foods in this article are known for their health and fertility-boosting properties, today's fast-paced lifestyle can make it difficult to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Using a proven semen volume enhancer like Semenax ensures you're getting essential vitamins and nutrients conducive to sexual health and male fertility.
And when combined with a healthy, balanced antioxidant-rich diet, Semenax helps men achieve enjoyable sex which very often leads to healthy and happy conception.
Semenax and Healthy Diet
How Ejaculation Volume Enhancers Work
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Fertility: A Matter of Quality AND Quantity
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Secret Guy Problem #17: Reduced Ejaculatory Volume
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Ejaculation and Male Potency
Ejaculation and Male Potency
Since the beginning of time, it seems humans have been fixated on the beauty and power of the penis. A symbol of manhood, strength, dominance and success, the penis and all its workings have prominently figured in the art and imagination of cultures worldwide. Yet all the attention given to penis size, erection capability and lasting power are really pretty much an adjunct to the real moment of truth: the orgasm. After all, isn't that the real goal of all the penis-centered concern, to have bigger and more potent climaxes?
That may explain why the spotlight has focused more recently on ejaculation. Men are considering not only the intensity or strength of orgasms, but how their volume of ejaculate affects many aspects of their sexual identity and enjoyment.
Overview of ejaculation
To get a sense of the vital role of a healthy, abundant volume of ejaculate in male pleasure, let's take a look at how male climax works.
First, semen collects in the ejaculatory ducts during sexual stimulation. Male orgasm happens at the peak of sexual pleasure, when the various muscle groups contract simultaneously: rhythmic contractions of the pubococcygeus muscle (pc muscle) occur along with contractions of the anal sphincter, rectum and perineum, and the ejaculatory ducts and muscles around the penis. The contracting muscles are the key to delivering the load of semen. The first few contractions are intense and close together, occurring at about 0.8-second intervals. As orgasm continues, the contractions diminish in intensity and duration and occur at less frequent intervals.
The exact amount of ejaculate is determined by a number of factors, including heredity, diet, overall health, frequency of sexual activity and age. The content, however, is about the same for all men: the ejaculate contains sperm and a long list of components that read like a vitamin pill label: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, choline, citric acid, creatine, fructose, glutathione, hyaluronidase, inositol, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, purine, pyrimidine, pyruvic acid, sodium, sorbitol, vitamin B12, and zinc. Each of these ingredients, though, represents just a tiny amount -- and the total measure of a typical "load" is somewhere between 1.5 ml and 5 ml. The majority of the ejaculate volume is fluid from the prostate and the seminal vesicles.
The taste of semen varies greatly from one man to another, again affected by diet and overall physical health. The range goes from salty to sweet, may be bitter or mellow, and sometimes creates a very mild "numbing" effect to the lips and tongue of the taster. The taste can be deliberately changed, according to a number of online and physician's sources.
Healthy ejaculate will appear either translucently whitish or greyish to opaque white. Men who've had a vasectomy will have lighter, more translucent semen, devoid of the typical 15 to 20 million sperm of a usual ejaculation. Though a variety of textures and appearances are within the healthy range, most people equate very white, dense and more voluminous ejaculate with a healthier and more potent male.
Influences on ejaculation volume
When should a man be concerned about his volume and potency? Sometimes a dramatic decrease in ejaculate volume may indicate blockage of one of the ejaculatory ducts. Duct obstruction is diagnosed by prostate ultrasound. Other possible causes of decreased volume include retrograde ejaculation or a long-term infection of the prostate (chronic prostatitis). Decreased semen volume may simply be a normal part of aging and may not necessarily result in decreased fertility.
If there is concern about the amount, appearance and texture of the ejaculate, it may be advisable to consider semen testing by a qualified physician. The standard semen analysis measures semen volume and pH, microscopically analyses for debris and agglutination, assesses sperm concentration and morphology, counts sperm leukoctyes and identifies immature germ cells. Usually this is carried out after two to seven days of sexual abstinence, on a semen sample collected at the doctor's office. The physician will probably also wish to conduct tests to rule out urinary infection, gonorrhea and chlamydia.
In many cases, the semen analysis yields results that are technically within the "normal" range, yet men may still feel dissatisfied with the contracting power of orgasms, the volume and appearance of their ejaculate, and their fertility. For them, and for men who simply wish to experience the added confidence and pleasure of higher semen volume, there is an excellent natural preparation known as Semenax™ ( which holistically addresses the problem.
Semenax™ has been shown to increase the volume of ejaculate by as much as 500 percent, and improves quality of sperm, motility of sperm, overall sperm count, and efficiency of semen and sperm production.
Benefits of increasing volume
The advantages of orgasming with greater volume and power are numerous. By increasing both volume of fluid and quantity/health of sperm, the load is not only bigger, more impressive and more pleasurable, but much more potent, too.
The larger the volume of fluid and sperm that's available for each orgasm, the more contractions it takes to shoot all of it -- and each contraction is stronger and more intense. The male orgasm, typically quite a brief event, can become a much longer-lasting experience.
Potency and fertility are of concern to all men, but particularly those with an immediate desire to impregnate their mate. Infertility is increasingly common, and a product like Semenax™ is a good help in this area.
Finally, there are significant benefits to a man's confidence when he is able to increase ejaculate volume and power. Sexual confidence is tied not only to success in romantic endeavours, but to many other kinds of success as well; studies show confidence in sexual identity carries over into every aspect of a man's life.
How volume-boosting products work
Volume increasers vary a great deal in formulation, cost and manufacture methods. Here we'll look at a very popular and proven choice, Semenax™, to demonstrate how it works.
Semenax™ was developed by a group of health professionals to improve every aspect of sexual function and enjoyment for men. The focus is on volume boosting, because of its many related benefits. Formulated of natural ingredients with centuries of anecdotal proof in many cultures worldwide, the Semenax™ product contains botanicals and natural ingredients to tonify and support the ejaculatory ducts, epididymis, testes, prostate gland, seminal vesicles and vas deferens -- that is, every part of the male reproductive system.
Semenax™ is manufactured in a cGMP Certified Pharmaceutical facility (something to look for when shopping for volume products), and its ingredients include the amino acids L-arginine HCL, L-carnitine and L-lysine to increase testosterone and sperm count and motility; herbals epimedium sagittatum, catuaba bark and South American maca to boost libido and potency; and nutritionals to aid testosterone synthesis and prostate health.
When shopping for a volume boosting product, check for manufacture in a cGMP Certified Pharmaceutical facility, statements attesting to testing and research, and laboratory-controlled dosing.Read more
Ejaculation and Male Potency
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